Bird Lovers, Backyard - A Weedy Sonata - Development: Another Case for Television

Bird Lovers, Backyard - A Weedy Sonata - Development: Another Case for Television

Bird Lovers, Backyard

Chapter 6

A Weedy Sonata - Development: Another Case for Television

in which the case of a wild child is made public

written by Thalia Field

this episode is performed by Maggie Hoffman

original music by Catherine McRae

designed and produced by Ben Williams

recorded at the Collapsable Hole in NYC

Copyright © 2001, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 by Thalia Field

Used by permission of New Directions Publishing Corp.

Bird Lovers, Backyard - A Weedy Sonata - Recapitulation: Youthful Folly

Bird Lovers, Backyard - A Weedy Sonata - Recapitulation: Youthful Folly

Bird Lovers, Backyard - A Weedy Sonata - Exposition: He Told Animal Stories

Bird Lovers, Backyard - A Weedy Sonata - Exposition: He Told Animal Stories